For Clients


The human body is a complex system that’s fully integrated.

Over the years there has been much research proving that chronic diseases have multiple roots. We could call this a multifactorial medical problem. Medical practitioners believe that a multifactorial medical problem cannot be treated in a single therapy.

With the increase of interdisciplinary medical teams all over the world (practitioners working together in teams to treat a patient) this has presented a challenge. The more areas we want to treat with a client the more complex the teamwork will be and there is a danger patients will reject this team approach in quest for finding a simpler and more cost effective solution to treat a condition / problem.

It is time for a new approach.

To correct functional balance in the body we at Dsmile believe the need to combine bodywork, face and tongue muscle exercise (orofacial myotherapy) voice and breathing exercises into one single therapy.

So… Dsmile Body Balance Training may be the solution to what you have been looking for…

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Baracsy method, 

Dsmile Body Balance training

…we might have a solution for you. Dsmile Body Balance Training is an effective training program, which combines postural exercises, breathing exercises, orofacial myotherapy, speech and language (voice) training.

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For Professionals


Become a trainer

New trainer courses for English speakers…

A new approach to craniofacial medicine / myofunctional therapy.

We are offering the opportunity for you to become the next successful Dsmile Body Balance Trainer. Dsmile BBT can be easily integrated into your current practice regardless of your current profession.

Dsmile Body Balance Training is one of the latest ‘combined’ treatment methods and we think one of the best! Hundreds of satisfied patients and many satisfied and successful Hungarian and UK trainers prove that this system is already achieving international recognition.



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To be completed prior to attending a Dsmile Body Balance Training course. 

Time: 1hr

A chance to chat through your medical history, medical symptoms, (including sleep and lifestyle). We will asses your posture along with several other functional tests (be prepared to move!). A written report is given to you and will be also sent to any therapists / doctors who are involved in any ongoing treatment.

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Founders of Dsmile Body Balance Training


Gabi angol

Gabi Baracsy MEd

Founder- Master Trainer of Dsmile
Body Balance training

SLP, OM, Master’s Degree in teaching Special
Education and qualified as a teacher of Special Needs Education,
VoiceGym Instructor – Hungary,
Currently teaches in Budapest, where she works
for Dsmile Training and Education Center.
Gabi studied at Eötvös Loránd University
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education
in Speech Therapy and is the first therapist
to have integrated VoiceGym and Dsmile
full time into an orthodontic practice, with terrific results!

Alex angol

Alexander Evans BA (Hons)

Director VoiceGym Limited, VoiceGym Instructor,
Body Control Pilates Instructor,

CHEK Exercise coach

Alexander is director of VoiceGym. Alexander met
Angela Caine whilst studying for his degree at Southampton
University and on graduating he continued
to study and teach VoiceGym at the Voice and Body Centre.
He has also studied and qualified with the CHEK institute here
in the UK and is a BodyControl Pilates instructor.


Contact us

pin  Dsmile Training Center

     H-1032 Budapest, Váradi utca 24.

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