About the training

The Baracsy-method: Dynamic Smile - To correct functional balance in the body with a combination of bodywork, face and tongue muscle exercise (orofacial myotherapy) voice and breathing exercises ...in one single therapy.

While developing our program, it became clear to us that we could never solve our patient’s tongue problems or posture related problems if we only focused on the position of the teeth or tongue… It's not advisable to build a house or tall buildings without secure foundation and the same should apply to our bodies.


Our program works by integrating various pre-existing and established therapies, including but not limited to orofacial myofunctional therapy, speech and language therapy, voicegym and functional movement exercises.

It has been designed to improve, intrinsic swallowing, chewing, speech and language (voice) as well as individual breathing patterns and posture.

Because our training is effective a noticeable change can happen within a relatively short period of time… three months!

What will you experience?

The 90 day long basic program includes 10 group our one-to-one activities, and 2-4 individual sessions (if needed). The age groups are from 8-11, 12-17 and adults. Patients are asked to take a preliminary assessment before they join a group or one-to-one session.  The main symptoms of referral for rectification with Dsmile training are tongue thrust and mouth breathing, bad body posture. Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ), migraines or frequent headaches, upper and lower back pain, teeth grinding, snoring issues are also common especially in our adult groups. Attention disorders, learning difficulties, occasional hearing problems and allergies are the most representative symptoms amongst children.

Towards the end of the program, the issues identified at assessment can improve. The list of the program’s positive effects include: improved general feeling and concentration, better mental capacity and stamina, less or no locomotor complaints. Poor breathing habits, skin problems, snoring and fatigability lessen or discontinue.  Waking up at night, bloatedness and gastroenterological complaints become less frequent, a ‘transformed’ body shape and weight loss are also possible.

In addition to the above, dental problems, teeth deviations, tonsil and adenoid issues can also improve and correct. Jaw joint pains and clicks, snoring, allergies, neck-, back-, shoulder-, head-, spine- and ankle aches decrease or completely stop.  All potential positive outcomes in just three months!

Contact us: info@dsmile.hu
